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Revistas ULACIT: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 151
Situación jurídica del derecho a la libertad religiosa en Cuba tras la reforma Constitucional de 2019
Flores, Teresa I
De-escalating conflict, and creating safe spaces for dialogue
Bremner, Davin
Ethics and Morality in the Sustainable Development Goals: The Marginalization of Ethnic and Religious Communities and the Promotion of Individualism
Hoyos, Giovanni; Aguilar, Vanessa
Private Funding at High-Level Elections: the Costa Rican Case for Explaining Vote Increase
Gamboa Solano, David
Value Chains and Regional Integration Processes: A Case Study of the Challenges Faced by Value Chains within the SICA Integration System During the COVID-19 Pandemic, March to December 2020
Naranjo Montero, Amelia
Exploring The Mexican Cultural Identity: A Journey Through History, Art, And Traditions
Solano Morales, Ariadna
Lessons from the first implemented Central Bank Digital Currency: the Sand Dollar
Haans, Jeroen
Expanding Religious Freedom: Regulatory Developments and Policy Transfer in Latin America
Sánchez Sandoval, Camila Andrea
Balancing Rights Throughout the Lifecycle of Places of Worship in Colombia
Osorio Cardona , John Fredy; Girón Cárdenas, Carolina
Opportunities in Costa Rica's Economic Diplomacy with Gulf Cooperation Council Countries and Israel, 2017 – 2023
Acuña Obando, Bryan
Democracy Models in the 21st Century
Harbottle Quirós, Frank
The purchase of the commercial establishment as an economic concentration
Paniagua Rodríguez, Cristhel; Fallas Amador, Vanessa; Castro Anzellini, Fabián; Solano Fallas, Oscar
Capacity Islands? Project Executing Units and Multilateral Banks Financing. A Preliminary Working Hypothesis
Donadi, Luciano Fernando
Petri, Dennis P.
Kafala in Costa Rica: investigation of the parallels between Qatar’s Kafala system and migrant labour in the agricultural sector in Costa Rica.
Petri, Dennis P.; Rojas Alvarado, José; Rodriguez Lusthott , Jimena
Academic night schools: institutional approach to situations of improper relationships
Blandón García, Oneyda Elizabeth
Economic crimes: the so-called white-collar crimes
Pizarro Carballo, Fernando José
Comprehensive treatment of criminal recidivism in Costa Rica through labor and sports reinsertion
Solano Solano, José Arturo
Expropriation as a way of public investment
Amador Morales, Ángela; Brenes Corella, July; García Herrera, Susana
Access to justice for vulnerable groups in Costa Rica
Mora Salazar, Genesis
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